It is usual for people to take soft drinks with snacks, bread or foods and because of its fizz and caffeine people are addicted to it.It is an unhealthy beverage because of its effect on health.
It contains too much sugar, a bottle has more than 10_15 cubes of sugar (9.5 tea spoons) which exceeds the daily Recommended Daily Allowance of 6 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men.
Excessive intake can lead to obesity, enlarged waist line diabetes, fatty liver, cancer etc. lt damages the teeth to create dental caries and cavities. This starts 20minutes after taking the beverage.
It causes dehydration because of excessive urination As a result, waste and toxins cannot be eliminated It weakens the bones because of high phosphate or phosphoric acid which prevents the body from absorbing calcium leading to dental caries and osteoporosis. It also slows down absorption of nutrients.